“Terminator" BERSANVANGA  spade


The "Terminator" BERSANVANGA spade is an equipment mechanizing the manual operation of vine stock uprooting. The operation is performed on limited areas of existing rows to uproot dried vine stocks or stocks damaged by mechanical treatment or suffering from diseases, followed by the insertion of the new vine (operation which is technically called replanting) Up to now this operation has always been performed with a simple manual spade or more recently using mechanical drills installed on tractors or, as an alternative, shot drills, which are subject to high risks of accidents and require very hard work with the presence of two operators.

The "Terminator" BERSANVANGA spade can be used on any type of agricultural tractors and can be fitted both on the front and on the rear of the means to be used (be it tracked or tyred) ad on both sides of the means indifferently.

The "Terminator" BERSANVANGA in standard version consists of two hydraulic movements: one controlling the insertion of the spade in the soil, while the second movement lifts and extracts the plant acting like a lever on the spade holding stem. A practical trestle for the equipment at rest enables a single operator to install and to garage the machine. The power required for the operation of the "Terminator" Bersanvanga can be supplied directly by the hydraulic power outlets of the tractor or through an independent hydraulic central.




The independent hydraulic drill can be positioned both on the front and rear hoist. Equipped with hydraulic jacks for the adjustment of the width, lateral displacement, inclination of the point with special distributor (equipped with mechanical mini joystick) 3+1 with double-effect lever + floater and built-in flow divider. Equipped with wheeled trestle and helical point with Ø 130mm fixed hammers (other diameters on demand) and Reducer for heavy-duty work (extirpation of old plants with strong roots). As an option, it can be equipped with a milling point for the extirpation of the plants and the plantation of the vines (working diameter about 0.45/0.50 mt). The hydraulic drill can be equipped with the hydraulic gripper for the extraction of the worn or broken support poles and with a special tool for the screwing of the helical anchoring devices supporting the trellising of the rows. The technical innovation is the versatility of the tool, in fact the possibility of fitting it on the front part of the tractor allows the operator proceeding with utmost safety, good visibility and comfort, avoiding uncomfortable and tiring position.


Kit hydraulic drill with universal connection for application on mini excavators



For further information you can download the complete catalogue of the Spade and Drill.

Trivella - Vanga Idraulica.pdf
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